Power BI Financial Reporting Template
Power BI Financial Reporting Template:
Balance sheet and profit or loss statement. These reports can be printed out for submission to intitutions or banks.Profit or loss statement.
Here you can immediately see visually whether the indicators have improved compared to the previous reporting period or whether they have deteriorated. Icons in red, green and yellow visually show where to pay attention.
The report calculates the key performance indicators. Turnover, margin, % of mark-up and profitability. Accordingly, we also see the comparative indicators of the previous reporting period.
Balance sheet analysis provides information on key financial indicators. The report calculates working capital, cash liquidity ratio, current liquidity ratio, as well as the debt to equity ratio and the total debt to total assets.
Balance provides interactive options for navigating through years and different data sections. Visually easy to understand and very useful report to observe the company's trends and development in general. Power BI is connected to excel, where data tables are stored. By filling them with your company's data you will be able to use this report in your company.
The set includes:
1) Profit and Loss Statement Power BI
2) Excel file - data is used for report calculations
3) Instructions on how to adjust the income statement for your company.
Individual template customization - 300, - EUR